Tasks In The Hand

Tasks In The Hand

by In The Hand Ltd
Third-party Microsoft To-Do (and Outlook Tasks) list provider for Amazon Alexa.

To get started, enable the "Tasks In The Hand" Skill on Alexa, grant Lists read/write permissions and link to Outlook Tasks by signing-in to your existing Outlook or Microsoft To-Do account. This skill works with both personal (Outlook.com) and business (Microsoft 365) accounts.

Once connected, your Alexa Shopping & To-do lists will be added as new lists to your Microsoft To-Do account (at the moment, these are the only lists available on Alexa).

Then just say ‘Alexa, add birthday plans to my To-Do list’ or ‘Alexa, add milk to my Shopping list’.

Your tasks will immediately sync to your Microsoft account.
If you have any questions or issues connecting Alexa with Tasks In The Hand, please contact support@inthehand.com